Equipment Wishlist
So, I have not really been out and done a whole lot this year with school taking a good portion of my time. I am, however, looking to spruce up my equipment and purchase some additional pieces that I have been wanting.
I already have a great digital voice recorder, only problem is that apparently the ghosts in my house think so too. It vanished off my desk and I can not find it anywhere. It was a super Olympus recorder with a built in usb, just stick it in the computer and pull the files directly. Super easy and now it looks like I may have to suck it up and buy a new one... Not my most favorite thing to do but I really need to have a recorder. Along with that, I have been considering getting a spirit box or an ovilus for more "real time" communication. This will be something that is more of a experimental basis and prices can vary around $250 to $300.
I have still cameras but I really want to upgrade and get a full spectrum camera. I just have to decide if I should get a still camera or a video camera. Both have their own perks. The still camera that I really like is from FujiFilm and retails around $300. Now there is a smaller one that goes for about $175 but I have to think about quality vs. price. So, I may just save up for the FujiFilm and make due with what I have right now. Video wise, they go from $100 to $300 and then regardless of still or video, you would still have to put out about $60 to $70 for each light source.
I have to get a new EMF meter. I am thinking about going the digital route just so reading baselines will be easier. At least these are priced easier on the wallet, only around $75 to $80. Sometimes you can get a deal if you buy one with a K2 meter. Now I don't necessarily "need" the K2 but it is just really cool. Plus, you can use it within an EVP session and get some interaction with it. That to me makes for a valuable piece of equipment. That will be another $60 to $65 depending on if I get it with or without the sound alert.
Thermometers are a good investment but with the increase in new toys, buying a regular laser thermometer is kinda outdated. Where a single laser thermometer retails for around $100, now I can pay out a tad more but get a Mel Meter with EMF, temperature, touch, and vibration detection. Good side, this goes for around $150. For $50 more, I would get a whole lot more. Plus the Mel Meter will get a little more in depth during an EVP session as it will go off if a spirit manipulates the sensor.
This one is not really something that I would "need" (see there is that word again) at this moment but it would be extremely beneficial. A thermal camera could be such a great device, especially for catching heat signatures that can not be caught with any other equipment. The only downside to this, these range anywhere from $2,000 to $7,000. I am not really made of money, so this will more than likely have to go on my wishlist and maybe my husband will take pity on me and buy it for my birthday one year.
There are some inexpensive fun stuff that I could get like laser grids and motion sensors but I want to pad out the main equipment first. I will end up picking up a few things here and there as I have the money and will just make due with my older stuff until then. There will be a lot of research done to determine the exact brands and models that I will get. These are definitely not cheap and will take time but it will be so worth it. Especially if things work out and I end up getting the investigation at the Old South Pittsburg Hospital in TN for my birthday next year. Until then, there are tons of places to investigate around here to break in my new stuff.
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