26 February 2014


I will be working on redesigning some of this blog and as I have new equipment, I will also be going through and providing some of my personal testimonials for the items I use. I will also be getting into some of the scientific side of my work. So there are some big changes coming and I hope that they will be a positive change that will better showcase the stuff I deal with on a regular and daily basis. 


16 October 2013

I've been out of the loop for a while with my health, my Fibro has made it really hard to want to do much of anything with all the pain.  It's also been hard to keep up with everything with school as well.  However, my hopes have been springing anew with the thoughts and plans of moving. 

It has been easing up somewhat and allowing me to get back in the swing of things.  I even bought some new ghost hunting equipment!  The first pieces I had bought a while back was just the basics, a voice recorder for EVPs, a K2 for EMFs, and a Mel-meter for both EMF and temperature readings.  These are what I had been using in conjunction with my digital camera but I had been wanting some more, more in depth stuff.  Well, I finally broke down and bought more.

I invested in a nice Full Spectrum camera, a Spirit Box, and a Rem-Pod.  I am building up a rather nice collection of equipment and there are some other pieces that I would like to invest in when I get a chance.  

Once I move, I plan on conducting some investigations around the more historical areas and test out the new stuff.  Once I gather up enough stuff to make a full spectrum of goodies, I will be going on some overnight hunts.  I am so excited to be able to putting my thoughts into something that takes my mind off the pain of my illnesses and do something that makes me happy.  I have been living in a deep dark hole for a while now and I can't wait to finally break free.

I want to review each piece of equipment that I get and own as well.  This will help to show the upgrades in tools and how well they work and the evidence that they produce.


23 January 2012

Something lurking in the closet

We got Kali around Thanksgiving in 2010... Now, she has not really acted strange in our home until later this past year but it has gotten more frequent in the past few weeks...

Before it was mostly her staring at the door coming into the bedroom from her bed beside ours and just growling slightly. I knew there were ghosts in the house and I never gave 2 thoughts about it. I would just tell her that they were there and she couldn't do much about it, they were just fine.

Well, now, she will be curled up in her bed beside us and will pop her head up and start growling and barking lowing at the closet. This is new... Her ears will be plastered to her head and she will look up at me like, "WTF is that". She is honestly scared.

Last night, hubby and I were curled in watching tv and she was curled up beside the bed. She looked right at the closet and started growling. Not barking so much this time, but just this low solid growl. There actually came some knocks from the back of the closet on the wall... I heard these knocks, only a couple of times, but they were still there.

Now, let me explain this room and closet... The room is an addition to the house. It was built in the late 80s/early 90s. My grandparents had owned this home since the 70s. My mom and I inherited it in 2000. The closet was a wide area with a sliding wooden panel door. Well, when I moved back to the house, being a girl, I needed more room, as the bedroom is fairly small. So, I popped the door off and put a dresser in there so I had some storage room and some hanging room.

This is the first time I have ever dealt with anything being in this room of any kind. I have however, been dealing with more activity in the rest of the house. Phones have vanished and ended up in the kitchen in a sink full of water... Yeah, this just happened last week. Things are continually going missing, the frequency of this is becoming very high. The sound of doors banging or being opened and closed are picking up as well.

I have not been able to set up any equipment as of yet. I have been too focused on school and trying to get my work done on time. Hopefully, I will be able to get a break in the next couple of days to do some investigating... If I don't I may not be able to get much sleep with Kali being all psycho and growling at any ghost she sees now.


01 November 2011

Samhain 2011 Investigation

I had the perfect plan for Halloween this year, since the veil is at its thinnest between our realm and the Other Side, I decided that I was going to do investigations in Yorktown. I have heard all the stories about the Battlefields lending themselves to residual sounds of fighting and battles that occurred here. The plan was to head out and set up with a digital recorder and just let it run and see if anything popped up.

So as soon as it got dark, I headed towards Yorktown but when I got there I decided to head down the Colonial Parkway a little bit and set up at Brackens Pond. This was such an interesting place since there are stories of a carriage that ran into the swamp and killed the horse and some of the family members that were riding. So I set up and get about 10 minutes into the EVP session and it actually starts to rain on me. This seriously dampened my spirit and my equipment as I had to pack it all up. After reviewing the session, I did capture what sounds like a horse's hoof on the road... I am however planning on running a few experiments on this just to see if I can debunk the sounds or if it is indeed the residual sound of a horse drawn carriage.

Once I got home, I decided I would go ahead and do a session in the bedroom since I know there are tons of activity present in my house. Half and hour later, and at about 5:30am, I finally decided to call it quits. During the whole time, I had 3 pieces of equipment running; the recorder, the K2, and the Mel Meter. I had a pretty steady EMF base line the whole time except for a few spikes that were quite odd. The K2 was my best piece since I was getting interactive lights that would light up in response to the questions. It would only light up when a question opted for a "yes" answer. As the K2 would light up, I would respond for the recorder as "yes" or "it lit up". During review of the recorder, I found that I had a very clear direct response to a question I had asked. My Uncle was killed when I was 13 and I wanted to know if he was around me. So I asked, and I got a response... Here is the actual recording taken from the session.

This is not my voice as I had just asked the question and was inhaling to continue. It also has an echo to it. I have analyzed it in my audio program and broke it down to the finest wavelength and the voice print does not even begin to match mine. It is a completely different voice print.

So that was my night and I have to say that I am pleased with the results and hope I get a better day to head back out to Yorktown but til then, I have plenty to keep me busy.


30 September 2011

Equipment Wishlist

So, I have not really been out and done a whole lot this year with school taking a good portion of my time. I am, however, looking to spruce up my equipment and purchase some additional pieces that I have been wanting.

I already have a great digital voice recorder, only problem is that apparently the ghosts in my house think so too. It vanished off my desk and I can not find it anywhere. It was a super Olympus recorder with a built in usb, just stick it in the computer and pull the files directly. Super easy and now it looks like I may have to suck it up and buy a new one... Not my most favorite thing to do but I really need to have a recorder. Along with that, I have been considering getting a spirit box or an ovilus for more "real time" communication. This will be something that is more of a experimental basis and prices can vary around $250 to $300.

I have still cameras but I really want to upgrade and get a full spectrum camera. I just have to decide if I should get a still camera or a video camera. Both have their own perks. The still camera that I really like is from FujiFilm and retails around $300. Now there is a smaller one that goes for about $175 but I have to think about quality vs. price. So, I may just save up for the FujiFilm and make due with what I have right now. Video wise, they go from $100 to $300 and then regardless of still or video, you would still have to put out about $60 to $70 for each light source.

I have to get a new EMF meter. I am thinking about going the digital route just so reading baselines will be easier. At least these are priced easier on the wallet, only around $75 to $80. Sometimes you can get a deal if you buy one with a K2 meter. Now I don't necessarily "need" the K2 but it is just really cool. Plus, you can use it within an EVP session and get some interaction with it. That to me makes for a valuable piece of equipment. That will be another $60 to $65 depending on if I get it with or without the sound alert.

Thermometers are a good investment but with the increase in new toys, buying a regular laser thermometer is kinda outdated. Where a single laser thermometer retails for around $100, now I can pay out a tad more but get a Mel Meter with EMF, temperature, touch, and vibration detection. Good side, this goes for around $150. For $50 more, I would get a whole lot more. Plus the Mel Meter will get a little more in depth during an EVP session as it will go off if a spirit manipulates the sensor.

This one is not really something that I would "need" (see there is that word again) at this moment but it would be extremely beneficial. A thermal camera could be such a great device, especially for catching heat signatures that can not be caught with any other equipment. The only downside to this, these range anywhere from $2,000 to $7,000. I am not really made of money, so this will more than likely have to go on my wishlist and maybe my husband will take pity on me and buy it for my birthday one year.

There are some inexpensive fun stuff that I could get like laser grids and motion sensors but I want to pad out the main equipment first. I will end up picking up a few things here and there as I have the money and will just make due with my older stuff until then. There will be a lot of research done to determine the exact brands and models that I will get. These are definitely not cheap and will take time but it will be so worth it. Especially if things work out and I end up getting the investigation at the Old South Pittsburg Hospital in TN for my birthday next year. Until then, there are tons of places to investigate around here to break in my new stuff.


15 April 2011

Moore House Update

As the weather is beginning to warm up and allow me to get back outdoors, I decided to take a run up to Yorktown and my old stomping grounds. My husband and I had met up with a couple of friends and the notion of the Moore House came up. Well, I had never been inside the building because of the fact that it is usually only open for paying tours. When we all arrived at the location, I noticed that the doors to the house were open and people coming and going.

My immediate interest was peaked and even more so when we discovered that it was open to the public for free!! SCORE! This gave me the chance to go inside and walk around and see if I felt anything that might be present inside.

As we walked inside, we noticed that there has been some major renovations and a lot of newer, more modern trimmings. The downstairs was very quiet and calm. Upon going upstairs, I felt a wave of energy that tightened around my chest. After a few moments the tightness lifted and subsided. There were no other experiences the entire time in the house.

Sadly, I did not have my camera with me as I was really not expecting it to be fully open. Although, not getting much in the way of sensing energy, I really doubt anything would have manifested. My personal thoughts at this time is if there's anything still attached to the Moore House, it is most likely residual. I did not get the intelligent haunt feeling at all. Now this is only after 1 time of being inside the house. This may change if I am able to get back inside and any ghosts want to come out and play... (I will know for the future trips to take my camera!)


09 January 2011

New Look!!

Well I finally got around the the facelift!!

This winter is very hard on me and with all the snow we have been getting, it is making me wish Spring would hurry up and get here already. So what do I have planned for the warmer weather... Well, I am planning a trip back up to Yorktown and Colonial Williamsburg. I have a great little spot down the Colonial Parkway that I want to get into for an EVP session. I will be investing in an EMF meter, a decent one... I am toying with the idea of getting a K2 meter but don't know if that will be in the budget this time around. I'm going to talk more about the events that happen in my own home... Seeing as how I have something happen every single friggin day/night... I really need a good outlet for the things that bump around here.

I have also been talking about the idea to make a run up to Stafford, Va to the Aquia Church. Of course, my husband looks at me like I have lost my mind when I mention that place. I stopped by on our way up to Maryland and just sitting in the car he was getting freaked out. Supposedly it is one of the most haunted churches in the area... I guess it would be a good trip since I lost my mist figure photograph when my computer crashed a few years ago. So I kinda need to go and try to get something just as good.

I am always looking for places to go and things to see and love hearing about others experiences. So if you have had something happen to you, contact me and let me know!